2012年5月17日 星期四

Little Angel ChildCare (Day Care)洛杉磯羅蘭崗家庭托兒Rowland Heights

小天使加州洛杉磯家庭托兒 Little Angel Rowland Heights Home Child Care (Day Care)
位於加州羅蘭崗 California Rowland Heights

♥ 環境安全舒適.乾淨整潔,無二手煙害.有幼兒專屬的遊戲區,嬰兒床...
♥ 小天使洛杉磯執照家庭托兒♥ Little Angel Home Child Care (Day Care) 
(羅蘭岡Rowland Heights)---

Have certified in CPR and First Aid by state of California.
Currently has full-time openings for newborns to 3 year olds.
Our staffs are sanitized multiple times a day to ensure our children are healthy.

*地點靠近Fullerton and Pathfinder
Our Location near Fullerton and Pathfinder
Please call me at626-688-3387 有意请打626-688-3387 

